Latest ACP news


Jul, 2021

Expression of interest: Members with educator experience

The College is committed to delivering high quality education content, and where possible ensuring it is evidence-informed and bes...


Jun, 2021

Queen's Birthday 2021 Honours List - Ambulance Service Medal

The College congratulates those recognised in the Queen's Birthday 2021 Honours List, and in particular, recipients of the Ambulan...


Apr, 2021

PNG Medical Team - Expressions of Interest

Opportunity to assist with providing medical support for an extensive COVID-19 outbreak in PNG. The College has been approached by...


Apr, 2021

Expressions of Interest - Paramedic Wellbeing SIG

The College's Mental Health and Wellbeing Special Interest Group is undergoing a change of scope to become the Paramedic Wellbeing...


Apr, 2021

Expressions of Interest - First Nations Peoples Special Interest Group

The College is seeking expressions of interest from College members who would like to form a newly created First Nations Peoples S...


Apr, 2021

Expressions of Interest - Women in Paramedicine SIG

The College is seeking expressions of interest from College members who would like to form a newly created Special Interest Group...


Dec, 2020

National COVID-19 Clinical Evidence Taskforce 2020 In Numbers

In mid-2020 the Australasian College of Paramedicine joined the National COVID-19 Clinical Evidence Taskforce, which aims to suppo...


Nov, 2020

Share your experience to improve the Australian COVID-19 Clinical Guidelines

The National COVID-19 Clinical Evidence Taskforce, of which the College is a member, is running its second clinician impact surve...


Nov, 2020

Fellowship Recipients 2020

At last Friday's AGM, the College announced the recipients of Fellowship for 2020. Fellowship of the College is a prestigious memb...


Nov, 2020

College Annual General Meeting - Board Election

The College held its Annual General Meeting on Friday 30th October. At the AGM, the members elected Bill Lord and Ryan Lovett for...