Nov, 2023
The College welcomes the opportunity to provide a submission to the COVID-19 Royal Commission and we are inviting Australian param...
Nov, 2023
The College welcomes the opportunity to provide feedback to the Te Tāhū Hauora | Health Quality & Safety Commission revised dr...
Oct, 2023
The College's 2022-2023 annual report is now out! Catch up with all the work our hardworking team has been doing in past year, wi...
Oct, 2023
The College welcomes the opportunity to provide a submission to the Aotearoa New Zealand Parliament Emergency Management Bill. Thi...
Oct, 2023
Front row from left: Dr Joachim Unger from Global EMS, Hon. Faualo Harry Jeffrey Schuster, Minister for Police and Prisons and FE...
Oct, 2023
Story from Sydney Morning Herald Written by Natassia Chrysanthos They might usually be seen in ambulances or emergency departments...
Sep, 2023
Story from Insightplus, The Medical Journal of Australia Health system reform must involve paramedics Written by Michelle Murphy A...
Sep, 2023
Story from New Zealand Doctor Op-ed: Potential waits to be realised: Paramedicine – a growing force for good in the health system...
Sep, 2023
A new collaboration between the Australasian College of Paramedicine (the College) and St John Ambulance Papua New Guinea (PNG) i...
Sep, 2023
Story from The Age These paramedics are itching to work. The worst part of their job is sitting around Written by Aisha Dow and He...