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International Education Conference: Day Three

About The Event

Day Three: Research in Paramedic Education

Wednesday 14th April BST & AEST

Day three of the International Education Conference focuses on Research in Paramedic Education. Evidence based education practice is fundamental to providing valid and reliable teaching, learning and assessment. As the research base for paramedic practice grows, so too does our understanding of what makes for authentic paramedic education.

Whether you are an experienced paramedic educator or new to teaching and learning, this day offers the opportunity to consider key questions in paramedic education research.

Keynote Speaker

  • Nicki Credland, Senior Lecturer and Head of Department, University of Hull The Incidence and Impact of Incivility - This session explores how incivility is experienced in pre-hospital environments, what impact it has on clinicians and how this can inform undergraduate curriculum design.

Abstract Submissions

  • Creating an inclusive ambulance workforce- is Cultural Humility the answer? Tom Davidson, UK ​
  • Early Intervention For Potential Frequent Callers Aidan McDonnell, UK, Northern Ireland ​
  • Can Australasian and UK Paramedic Academics teach Evidence-Based Practice? Scott Stewart, Australia ​
  • An EXploration of the facilitators and barriers to paramedics’ assessment and treatment of pain in PAediatric patients following Trauma (EX-PAT) Barry Handyside, UK ​
  • Developing a research culture in undergraduate paramedic students through innovation in mentorship Clare Sutton, Australia ​
  • Learning values in shared decision-making in undergraduate paramedic education Georgette Eaton, UK ​
  • Building Research Capacity for Out-of-Hospital Care in Ireland: Development of the Irish Paramedicine Education and Research Network (IPERN) Niamh Cummins, Ireland ​
  • Should I consider this drug? - The problems for students and trainee paramedics when using CPGs for education and learning Sonja Maria, Australia

To view and download the abstract submissions CLICK HERE

Presentation Poster

To view and download the presentation posteer CLICK HERE


Day One - Monday 12th April (Session Option 1): Approaches to Practice-based Learning 08:00-11:00 BST (17:00-20:00 AEST)

Day One - Tuesday 13th April (Session Option 2):
Approaches to Practice-based Learning 17:00-20:00 BST (02:00-05:00 AEST)

Day Two - Tuesday 13th April: Innovations in Teaching and Learning 17:00-20:00 BST (02:00-05:00 AEST)

Day Four - Thursday 15th April: The Use of Simulation in Education 08:00-11:00 BST (17:00-20:00 AEST)

Day Five - Friday 16th April: Transition to Professional Practice 08:00-11:00 BST (17:00-20:00 AEST)

Day Six - Saturday 17th April: Paramedic Education Policy 08:00-11:00 BST (17:00 - 20:00 AEST)

Day Seven - Sunday 18th April: Assessment 08:00-11:00 BST (17:00 - 20:00 AEST)


Nicki Credland

Nicki is a Critical Care Nurse, Senior Lecturer and Head of Department at the University of Hull. She holds Principal Fellowship of the Higher Education Academy and she is the Chair of the British Association of Critical Care Nurses (BACCN). Her role is to provide vision, direction, leadership and to develop strategy. This involves strategic leadership at a national level, chairing the executive board and national board. She holds positions on the National Critical Care Leadership forum and UK Critical Care Nursing Alliance. She has been the nurse advisor to the Department of Health Adult Critical Care Clinical Reference Group and is a specialist advisor in critical care nursing to NHSE. She is involved in national and international research and education for critical care nursing and was appointed Director for Nurse Education at the NHS Nightingale Hospital Yorkshire and the Humber during the COVID pandemic.


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Event Information

14th Apr 2021
17:00 – 20:00 (UNKNOWN)

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