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International Education Conference: Day One (Session Option 2)

About The Event

Day One (Session Option 2): Approaches to Practice-based Learning

Monday 12th April BST | Tuesday 13th April AEST

The theme of day one of the International Education Conference will be Approaches to Practice-based Learning. The importance of practice based learning is universally acknowledged. This day will showcase innovative approaches from around the world to the challenges of offering supportive and sustainable learning in the paramedic practice environment.

These sessions will take place twice on this day with the first taking place at 08:00-11:00 BST (Monday 12th April 17:00-20:00 AEST). These sessions will be repeated at 17:00-20:00 BST (Tuesday 13th April 02:00-05:00 AEST) with similar content, to enable delegates to attend the event most suitable to your time zone.

Keynote Speaker

  • Vince Clark, Principal Lecturer in Paramedic Science, University of Hertfordshire - The Paramedic Practice Educator - The Most Important Person in the Room - The importance of the role of the Paramedic Practice Educator can sometimes be overlooked when developing educational pathways for paramedics. This presentation will seek to re-establish the Paramedic Practice Educator as being a vitally important and central feature in the paramedic learner’s educational development.

Abstract Submissions

  • Benefits of International Placements - Laura Finch, UK ​
  • Student paramedic perceptions of a non-ambulance practice learning experience - Nicki Credland, UK ​
  • Encouraging a culture of peer led learning and peer review through a team based learning project - Ady Fell, UK ​
  • Use of immersive virtual reality for training undergraduate paramedicine students mass casualty triage - Ian MaCleod, Australia ​
  • Undergraduate paramedic student experience with violence and aggression whilst on clinical placement and the role of Operational Safety Training in education - Brad Mitchell, Australia ​
  • Use of a Nominal Group Technique to Evaluate a Peer Social Support Intervention in a Perinatal Grief Workshop for Paramedic Students - Matt Warren James, Australia ​
  • 'When two become three' - Spicing up the life of the PRU by using the third seat for teaching - Rosie Malkin, UK Designing and implementing an educational framework for Advanced Paramedics rotating in Primary Care in North Wales - Georgette Eaton, UK

To view and download the abstract submissions CLICK HERE

Presentation Poster

To view and download the presentation poster for this session CLICK HERE


Day Two - Tuesday 13th April:

Innovations in Teaching and Learning 17:00-20:00 BST (02:00-05:00 AEST)

Day Three - Wednesday 14th April:

Research in Paramedic Education 08:00-11:00 BST (17:00-20:00 AEST)

Day Four - Thursday 15th April:

The Use of Simulation in Education 08:00-11:00 BST (17:00-20:00 AEST)

Day Five - Friday 16th April:

Transition to Professional Practice 08:00-11:00 BST (17:00-20:00 AEST)

Day Six - Saturday 17th April:

Paramedic Education Policy 08:00-11:00 BST (17:00 - 20:00 AEST)

Day Seven - Sunday 18th April:

Assessment 08:00-11:00 BST (17:00 - 20:00 AEST)


Vince Clark

Principal Lecturer in Paramedic Science, University of Hertfordshire - The Paramedic Practice Educator - The Most Important Person in the Room ~ Vince is Principal Lecturer and Programme Lead for the BSc(Hons) Paramedic Science at the University of Hertfordshire. A Health & Care Professions Council partner since 2006, Vince has been involved in the approval of a wide range of paramedic educational programmes across the country as well as assessing CPD submissions and sitting on Conduct and Competence Fitness to Practise panel hearings. Vince is Trustee Official for Education for the College of Paramedics and Chairs the College’s Education Committee. He has completed his Professional Doctorate in Education which focuses on the theory-practice relationship in paramedic undergraduate education. This work has informed the development of university accredited ambulance service Paramedic Practice Educator courses as well as the College’s position on practice-based learning, including the editing of the College of Paramedics’ Handbook for Practice Educators and Facilitators.


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Event Information

13th Apr 2021
02:00 – 05:00 (UNKNOWN)

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