Apr, 2023
The College is pleased to announce that the scientific abstracts for the Australasian College of Paramedicine's International Conf...
Mar, 2023
The College is pleased to announce that the Scientific Abstracts for ACPIC 2023 will open next Monday 3 April 2023. Submitted abst...
Mar, 2023
Are you interested in applying for the 2023 research funding grant round? This video provides some handy tips for you to lodge a s...
Mar, 2023
The College is committed to enabling the development of discipline-specific knowledge through support of members undertaking resea...
Feb, 2023
We’re proud to announce the launch of the College’s new journal Paramedicine in what is a major step forward for the profession’s...
Feb, 2023
MEDIA RELEASE FRIDAY 3 FEBRUARY 2023 New collaboration paves way for relaunched Paramedicine journal to lead profession’s research...
Sep, 2022
The College is pleased to announce that a consortium of academics and universities led by Dr Liz Thyer from Western Sydney Univer...
Sep, 2022
Manuscript submissions are now open for the Australasian College of Paramedicine’s new international peer-reviewed journal Parame...
Aug, 2022
Registered paramedics working for jurisdictional ambulance services in any state or territory in Australia are invited to take pa...
Aug, 2022
Sleep and Shift Work Survey La Trobe University and Work Safe Are you a nurse, paramedic or midwife? We would like to invite you t...