Oct, 2023
The College welcomes the opportunity to provide a submission to the Aotearoa New Zealand Parliament Emergency Management Bill. Thi...
Oct, 2023
The College recently welcomed two new Life Members, Dr Bill Lord and Alan Eade. Our warmest congratulations to both of these outst...
Oct, 2023
Front row from left: Dr Joachim Unger from Global EMS, Hon. Faualo Harry Jeffrey Schuster, Minister for Police and Prisons and FE...
Sep, 2023
Throughout its 50-year history, the Australasian College of Paramedicine (the College) has been focussed on fostering high standar...
Sep, 2023
Notice is hereby given that the Annual General Meeting of the Members of the Australasian College of Paramedicine Limited will be...
Sep, 2023
Supporting paramedic mental health and wellbeing has long been a College priority, and in October members of our Paramedic Wellbe...
Sep, 2023
A new collaboration between the Australasian College of Paramedicine (the College) and St John Ambulance Papua New Guinea (PNG) i...
Sep, 2023
Research Agenda for Australasian Paramedicine. The Research Agenda for Australasian Paramedicine gives meaningful direction for mo...
Sep, 2023
The Australasian College of Paramedicine International Conference (ACPIC23) will see a gathering of paramedic professionals from A...
Aug, 2023
When we were putting the 3 day program together, the organising committee had to ask themselves a few questions - ‘how will our de...