• 21st Aug 2024

College elevates Tony Walker to Life Member


The College recognises the significant impact and contribution that specific individuals have made within the profession through elevation of membership level within the College.

There is no higher award that the College can bestow than elevation to Life Membership - a gesture that recognises a lifetime of commitment and dedication to the advancement of the profession and to the advancement of the College.

Last week at the CAA Congress Awards for Excellence dinner, our Chair, Ryan Lovett, and CEO, John Bruning, were delighted to present Tony Walker with Life Membership of the College.

Prof Tony Walker ASM has almost four decades of experience in the ambulance and emergency services sector, working across a range of senior clinical, operational and leadership roles, notably as Chief Executive Officer of Ambulance Victoria from 2014 to 2022.

Tony first joined the College in 1986, and has continued his membership and active support of the College for 38 years. A registered paramedic, Tony is a Fellow of the College and holds various distinguished academic roles. Tony has been awarded the Ambulance Service Medal for his significant contribution to the development of ambulance services at a state and national level and the National Heart Foundation President’s Award and Australian Resuscitation Council Medal (ARC) for his significant contributions to improving cardiovascular health and resuscitation practice and outcomes. He was a finalist for the Australian Mental Health Prize in 2019 in recognition of his work in improving paramedic mental health and wellbeing.

We are thrilled to elevate Tony to Life Member of the College, and in doing so we acknowledge and thank Tony for his immeasurable contribution over nearly four decades.

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