• 1st Nov 2023

College trialling four-day work week

Many members will have noticed the four day work week (4DWW) movement gaining traction over the past few years. There have been several big trials in Australia and Aotearoa, as well as internationally. The results have been impressive; no decrease in productivity and a clear improvement in wellbeing and work-life balance for employees. One of the key tenants of the 4DWW movement is that you continue to deliver 100% of the productivity you usually do but you do it in less time.

The Board discussed the 4DWW concept throughout the year and agreed to a trial for the College. The goal of the Board is to make the College a more attractive place to work and improve work life balance for the employees. We all know work has invaded our personal and family lives more and more, and stress and overwork have considerable impact on the wellbeing of all of us. The Board tasked the Executive team to plan a trial and with input from 4 Day Week Global we are participating in a trial for six months from mid-November.

The College team have been undertaking an implementation plan over the past 3 months and are now ready to begin the trial. The planning has involved assessing and re-designing our workdays, how we use technology, meetings structures and generally planning how we manage workload. The trial will see the team taking Friday’s off. Outside of staff not working on Fridays, the objective is that all the usual things we do and deliver continue unchanged. We will still deliver our events, education, advocacy, research, and everything else, as you expect.

As part of the trial, the College is taking part in external research with 4 Day Week Global as well as our own review and assessment of how the trial goes; it’s important that we track our productivity, performance, and the impacts on employees. At the end of six months if everything has gone smoothly then it’s likely that this will become the standard way we work into the future.

Finally, we need your help. We have assessed the work we do and feel that the standard five day work structure isn’t required for the majority of what we do, but this only works if you support our efforts in this space. We will be tracking urgent matters that need immediate attention on Fridays, so if you have something that needs to be resolved without fail on a Friday, then you can email urgent@paramedics.org or call our number and select the option for urgent assistance on a Friday. One manager each Friday will be tasked to check that email and answer calls, but they won’t specifically be working; they will be available to only deal with matters that are truly urgent. If your matter can wait until Monday, then please email the appropriate staff member and they will respond in due course or call our number on Monday.

The College trial commences on Monday 13th November with the first Friday where employees won’t be working is Friday 17th November.

If any member has a query or feedback about the 4DWW trial, then please email me on ceo@paramedics.org


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