• 4th Jun 2024

ACPIC24 abstracts deadline extended

The deadline for scientific abstract submissions for this year’s ACP International Conference has been extended until COB Tuesday 11 June 2024.

In 2024, we are pleased to be delivering ACPIC24 in person at the Sydney Masonic Centre in Sydney from 11 - 13 September. The event will also be live-streamed. The conference will be attended by individuals and organisations with an interest in paramedicine including paramedics and other health professionals, researchers, educators, leaders and administrators.

Abstract Categories

You are invited to submit your abstract to be considered for one of the three categories:

  1. Oral presentation (12 minutes + 5 minutes for questions)
  2. Poster presentation
  3. Three Minute Thesis (3MT) presentation

Abstract Submission Key Dates The timeline for your submission as follows:

  • OPEN: 18 April 2024
  • CLOSE: 11 June 2024

Successful submissions will be notified in early July.

Abstract Submission Information

In preparing your abstract, please consider the following:

  • Abstracts will only be accepted through the electronic abstract submission system
  • Abstracts will be assessed by the reviewer team and the scientific committee.
  • The presenting author must be fully registered for the conference and willing to purchase a ticket to attend and present in person. For international abstract submitters, please get in touch with us if you are not able to present in person for this event.
  • Accepted abstracts will be published in the College’s journal, Paramedicine.
  • The three best oral presentation abstracts will be selected to present in the ‘Research Plenary’ session.
  • The Australasian College of Paramedicine wishes to support junior researchers and welcomes undergraduate and higher degree by research submissions including literature reviews.
  • Postgraduate higher research degree students are encouraged to present their research in the 3MT category.

Submission Guidelines

  • Abstracts should be no longer than 300 words (excluding title).
  • The main text of the abstract must follow the structure: Title, Introduction, Aims, Methods, Results, and Conclusion.
  • References are not required in the abstract.
  • Do NOT include author/s names or affiliations as part of the submitted abstract as the review process is blinded.
  • Ensure ALL research site information is deidentified.
  • Literature reviews with a systematic methodology will be considered.
  • Case studies, and research without final results will NOT be considered.
  • 3MT submissions are welcome at any stage of thesis completion as long as some results are available, and it is prior to submission.

Review Criteria

Submitted abstracts will be assessed by a selected group of peer reviewers and the ACPIC24 Scientific Committee. The Committee will review all abstracts according to the following criteria:

  • Originality (25%)
  • Clarity (25%)
  • Methods (25%)
  • Contribution to the profession (25%) Only abstracts which follow the submission guidelines and are received before deadline will be taken into consideration by the Scientific Committee.


There will be awards for the best research presentations in different categories:

  • 3MT Presentation Award
  • Early Career Researcher Presentation Award
  • Established Researcher Presentation Award
  • Poster Presentation Award
  • Poster Presentation – People’s Choice Award
  • Best Plenary Presentation (The winner of the best presentation will be invited to present at the EMS 999 conference in 2024)

Questions prior to submission can be directed to research@paramedics.org

Submit your abstract before COB Tuesday 11 June 2024. Access the ACPIC24 submission form here

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