Latest ACP news


Feb, 2021

Member Committee Vacancy - Tasmania - Chair

A vacancy exists for the role of Chair of the College's Tasmania Member Representative Committee. The College is seeking expressio...


Feb, 2021

Research Participation Opportunity: National workforce survey for family, parent and child mental health: Have your say

This survey seeks to understand the current levels of awareness and most pressing challenges facing professionals in supporting ch...


Feb, 2021

Research participation: The Development and Testing of Australian Prehospital Care Quality Indicators

The Development and Testing of Australian Prehospital Care Quality Indicators Paramedics and directors/managers/supervisors in amb...


Feb, 2021

Research Participation Opportunity: Help us to understand how we can improve mental health and wellbeing for your fellow paramedics

Who? We’re hoping to recruit approximately 20 Australian paramedics currently practicing with any government ambulance service or...


Jan, 2021

Student Committee Vacancy - Events and Education Coordinator

The Australasian College of Paramedicine (ACP) is seeking expressions of interest from current undergraduate student paramedics wh...


Jan, 2021

College congratulates Ambulance Service Medal recipients

The College warmly congratulates recipients of the Ambulance Service Medal, recognised in the 2021 Australia Day Honours List. The...


Jan, 2021

New Zealand Paramedic Registration opens this week

After extensive work and consultation, registration for New Zealand paramedics opens this Wednesday 20th January, under Te Kaunihe...


Jan, 2021

Call for poster presentations and abstracts for the International Education Conference

Bringing together paramedic educators from around the world to share knowledge, enhance learning and promote innovation. The Colle...


Dec, 2020

Commencement Speech - College Chair

The College congratulates paramedic students who are completing their degrees this year, and we wish them all the best as they beg...


Dec, 2020

National COVID-19 Clinical Evidence Taskforce 2020 In Numbers

In mid-2020 the Australasian College of Paramedicine joined the National COVID-19 Clinical Evidence Taskforce, which aims to suppo...