• 25th Aug 2020

Post-nominals - the what, why and how

College members are entitled to use a post-nominal after their name – which can really make you stand out from the crowd. Your College membership demonstrates a commitment to your career and to the paramedic profession.

What are post-nominals?

Post-nominal letters (also known as appellations and designatory letters) are a set of letters that are included after your name to indicate your education qualifications, honours or accreditation.

College members are encouraged to include their College membership level as a post-nominal. This is a short-hand way of indicating to others that you have met the eligibility requirements for membership. For Fellows, it means you have achieved the membership level of Fellow based on a specific application process.

These are the ACP post-nominals:

• Member – MACPara
• Fellow – FACPara
• Honorary Fellow – HFACPara
• Life Member – LMACPara
• Associate – AACPara

Post-nominal letters are typically included on resumes and CVs, LinkedIn profiles and are increasingly being included in email signatures. Use of post-nominals is common practice in many professions, including those in the health sector.

Please note, only current members are eligible to use the College’s post-nominals. Lapsed members should not use the post-nominals until they have renewed their membership.

Why should I use them?

The College encourages all members who are entitled to use their post-nominals to do so, thus proudly demonstrating your professionalism and credibility, your commitment to continuing professional development and improving your career prospects. More importantly, take pride in your achievements and display your post-nominals like a badge of honour!

What is the correct order of post-nominals?

Post-nominals should be listed in the following order:

  1. For religious persons: Letters denoting the religious congregation to which they belong.
  2. National Honours, such as the Order of Australia (AO, AM, AC).
  3. Academic qualifications from lowest to highest, except qualifications awarded by the same institution which are listed together.
  4. There another university is the awarding institution, include the abbreviation of that institution’s name (in brackets) after the abbreviation of the award. In some instances, the name of an awarding institution may not have an abbreviation, so the name should be used in full.
  5. Fellowships, then the College memberships.

How should I use my post-nominals?

You may use more than one post-nominal after your name. Here are two examples:

  1. Jane Smith MCritCareParamed, FACPara
  2. John Smith BParamedicSc, MACPara

Where can I find my post-nominals on the College website?

  1. Go to the College website and log in to your account.
  2. Click on Your Account button on the top right corner.
  3. You should see your Profile.
  4. Your post-nominals will be listed on the left-hand column under Membership:

If you have any questions about your post-nominals, please contact the College at info@paramedicine.org.

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