• 15th Nov 2021

We want to hear from you about paramedicine research priorities

The College's Research Advisory Committee is working on a project called the Research Agenda for Australasian Paramedicine (RAAP). RAAP’s objective is to identify research priorities for Australasian Paramedicine and develop a Research Agenda by expert consensus.

If you're involved in paramedicine in Australia or Aotearoa New Zealand, you're invited to participate in a research study being conducted by Dr Paul Simpson, Director of Academic Program for Paramedicine, Western Sydney University, and Associate Professor Linda Ross, Head of Postgraduate Programs and Deputy Head of the Department of Paramedicine, Monash University.

The research is intended to collaboratively identify and develop paramedicine research priorities, including the barriers and enablers to participating in paramedicine research. The project seeks the input from all paramedicine profession stakeholders, including paramedics in any role and those who engage closely with the paramedicine profession.

You'll be asked to take part in an online survey that will take about 10-20 minutes, and can be completed at a time that is convenient to you.

Participation in this project will contribute to the development of an Australasian Paramedicine Research Agenda. The main benefit of this is the promotion of research priorities within the paramedicine discipline and the encouragement of researchers, ambulance services, government and the paramedicine profession to develop common goals for research, and may also be used to assist funding bodies to prioritise support of particular areas of research.

Join now at https://surveyswesternsydney.au1.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_8fbd5ONzOp1S07k

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