• 29th May 2024

Have your say: DoHAC Draft outline of the National Allied Health Workforce Strategy

The Australian Government, Department of Health and Aged Care (DoHAC) are inviting feedback for the Draft outline of the National Allied Health Workforce Strategy.

The College is inviting members to provide feedback to the College to help inform our submission. This consultation is only open for a short window, so we will close our feedback survey on Tuesday 4 June 2024 in time to prepare our response, which is due 9 June 2024. Comments provided may be used anonymously to support our work advocating for the paramedic profession.

Responses collected through the College feedback survey are focused on the key areas of the DoHAC survey.

Consultation overview

Australians need better access to allied healthcare to prevent and manage chronic conditions, and support people with disabilities, older people, people with mental health issues, and children and families.
The Australian Government is working with state and territory governments to develop a National Allied Health Workforce Strategy, as recommended in the Independent review of Australia’s regulatory settings relating to the overseas health practitioners Final Report.

A steering group has been formed to guide the development of the strategy. The group comprises Chief Allied Health Officers from each state and territory, as well as senior executives from a number of Australian government agencies, including the Department of Health and Aged Care, Department of Education, National Disability Insurance Agency, and Department of Employment and Workplace Relations. As a first step, the steering group has developed a draft outline for the strategy. This can be seen in the attachments below.

Once developed, the strategy will outline what steps are needed to ensure there are enough highly trained allied health professionals distributed across the country. It will describe how the Australian Government, state and territory governments, universities and professional associations can work together to improve planning for the allied health workforce.

**Read consultation documents before providing feedback to the College. **

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