Australasian College of Paramedicine International Conference (ACPIC24)
ACPIC 2024 delivered a wide range of clinical and research sessions from experts and leaders in paramedicine. Hosted in Sydney (September 2024) the program was designed to inspire, educate and broaden horizons.
Conference theme: Paramedicine's evolution – Embracing the new era
Priorities and guidance for paramedic care of people living with dementia: A Delphi consensus
Delivering care to people living with dementia in the out-of-hospital setting comes with unique challenges. With the integration of paramedicine into multidisciplinary teams, clarity surrounding the paramedic role in dementia care needs to be established. The international panel of 25 experts from this sequential, electronic Delphi study included clinicians, carers and persons with lived experience. Response rates varied from 92% (Round 1) to 76% (Round 3). The top priority for paramedic management was communication skills, with 78.9% consensus, while distinguishing delirium from dementia emerged as the top priority for paramedic education with 73.7% consensus.
Biography: Max Han
Max has recently completed his Honours degree in Paramedicine with Monash University, on a scholarship from the Singapore Civil Defence Force. He has just embarked on his graduate year and is looking forward to contributing to the profession through evidence-based practice. His research interests currently include dementia care and community paramedicine.
Moderator: Dr Verity Todd, College Research Advisory Committee member