ACPIC24: Culture Eats Psychologists for Breakfast: Improving work culture


Australasian College of Paramedicine International Conference (ACPIC24)

ACPIC 2024 delivered a wide range of clinical and research sessions from experts and leaders in paramedicine. Hosted in Sydney (September 2024) the program was designed to inspire, educate and broaden horizons.

Conference theme: Paramedicine's evolution – Embracing the new era

Culture Eats Psychologists for Breakfast: Improving work culture

This session will look at the evolution of culture within ambulance services. It will examine the importance of a safe, inclusive and supportive culture and the critical role that culture plays in preventing psychological injury following trauma. Once occurring somewhat naturally, we now need to be more intentional about creating the culture that we feel comfortable with.

Biography: Todd Wehr ASM

Todd is the Director of the Queensland Ambulance Staff Support Services, known as “Priority One”. He has spent 30 years working within first responder agencies, and 26 years within ambulance both as a registered Paramedic and registered Psychotherapist. Todd is also a sessional lecturer at several Universities where he has presented on a range of topics including trauma and resilience, stress, suicide, and disaster management. He is also a regular speaker at conferences and has spoken and assisted in the delivery of mental health programs nationally and internationally. In 2016 he was recognised on the Queen’s Birthday Honours List and received the National Ambulance Service Medal (ASM) for his work in supporting ambulance personnel and their families.

Moderator: Stephanie Nixon and Ekaterina (Kat) Puzanova, ACPIC24 Organising Committee Members

Presented by Todd Wehr ASM



25 minutes
26th Nov 2024
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