ACPIC 2022: Perceptions of academic performance in 1st year paramedicine students


Australasian College of Paramedicine International Conference (ACPIC 2022)

ACPIC 2022 delivered a wide range of clinical and research sessions from experts and leaders in paramedicine. Hosted in Brisbane (September 2022) the program was designed to inspire, educate and broaden horizons.

Conference theme: Embracing Strengths | Shaping Futures

Perceptions of academic performance in 1st year paramedicine students

This presentation summaries a study exploring first-year paramedicine student perceptions of future academic performance based on previous academic results. It also aims to identify if a discordance exists between anticipated and actual achieved university grades. Participants were asked to self-report previous academic performance and how they were expecting to perform in their future paramedicine studies. This study was conducted across 2 Queensland universities with 50 participants taking part in the study. Students entering paramedicine degrees with high achievement in previous studies expect similar grades. However, students reported underlying feelings of anxiety and uncertainty regarding assessments and grades.

Biography: Daniel Degoey

Daniel is a registered Paramedic and Chiropractor. He is currently a paramedicine lecturer and deputy clinical coordinator for paramedicine with the Australian Catholic University (ACU). He has worked in tertiary education since 2016 with both, Queensland University of Technology (QUT) and ACU. He has been employed as an ACP2 with the Queensland Ambulance Service since 2011 and before that as a medic in the Australian Army. He is a fellow of the higher education academy. He is a member of the Australasian College of Paramedicine, Australian Paramedics Association Queensland, and the Australian Chiropractic Association.

Moderated by: Dr David Long, Senior Lecturer and Discipline Lead, Paramedicine Program, University of Sothern Queensland

Presented by Daniel Degoey



24 minutes
4th Nov 2022
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