Australasian College of Paramedicine International Conference (ACPIC 2022)
ACPIC 2022 delivered a wide range of clinical and research sessions from experts and leaders in paramedicine. Hosted in Brisbane (September 2022) the program was designed to inspire, educate and broaden horizons.
Conference theme: Embracing Strengths | Shaping Futures
Immersive simulation and paramedicine students’ situational awareness: a mixed-methods pilot study
Situational awareness involves the ability to recognise and interpret environmental cues, and utilise this to predict future events. It is an important factor in the minimisation of human error in many settings, including healthcare. It is especially relevant within paramedic practice where the situation may be highly dynamic. The primary aim of this study was to evaluate the level of situational awareness in undergraduate paramedicine students during an immersive simulation compared to that during a more conventional, non-immersive scenario.
Biography: Bronwyn Beovich
Bronwyn Beovich has worked in the Department of Paramedicine at Monash University for 6 years and is currently a Senior Teaching Fellow, working within both undergraduate and postgraduate areas. With a clinical healthcare background, she commenced university-based healthcare research and healthcare educational research 15 years ago and has published over 25 papers within the paramedicine field.
Moderated by: Dr David Long, Senior Lecturer and Discipline Lead, Paramedicine Program, University of Sothern Queensland