Talking Research Guest Speakers: Dr Liz Thyer & Matthew Reardon
Presentation: What are literature reviews and why do we need them?
Meet the authors: Prevalence of burnout in paramedics: A systematic review of prevalence studies.
Systematic reviews, scoping reviews, narrative reviews; what’s the difference and why do we see so many of these published? Why are literature reviews such a vital part of research? How do we conduct them and what do they add to they add?
In this session Dr Louise Reynolds will take you through an overview of the purpose of literature reviews as part of the research process, identify and define the different types of reviews and how they relate to paramedic research.
This will be followed by a discussion/Q&A session with some authors of a recently published literature review hosted by Dr Nigel Barr and Dr Louise Reynolds. The literature review to be discussed can be downloaded here
Dr Liz Thyer is Associate Dean (Learning and Teaching) for the School of Health Sciences and a Senior Lecturer in the WSU Paramedicine program; the team recently won a national teaching citation (AAUT) for their outstanding contribution to student learning. She previously worked for Ambulance Victoria for 11 years as an ALS paramedic as well as Victoria University paramedic programs and Deakin University in Learning Futures. She is an active member of the Australasian College of Paramedicine and is the inaugural chair of the ACP Professional Standards Committee. She currently supervises HDR students in the fields of health education, mental health and paramedicine workforce issues.
Dr Nigel Barr is the Discipline Leader for Paramedic Science at USC. He has extensive experience in healthcare, emergency medical services and education sectors. Nigel was formerly an intensive care paramedic in several ambulance jurisdictions, and Senior Operations Officer (Clinical and Education Services) for Rural Ambulance Victoria. His roles have encompassed the provision of intensive care paramedicine, clinical governance, professional leadership, teaching and research. Nigel has completed a PhD exploring infection prevention and control in paramedic-led healthcare. He has a considerable research publication history and is a member of the ACP research committee.
Dr Louise Reynolds began her prehospital career as a student paramedic with SA Ambulance Service in 1992. Over the next 10 years, she held various operational and non-operational roles, before moving into higher education in 2003. As Australia’s first female paramedic to attain doctoral qualifications, her thesis described the emerging professionalism of prehospital care practice. Her international teaching and research experience extends across both vocational and tertiary settings in the Asia-Pacific and UK. Her research expertise and interests include the use qualitative methodologies in paramedicine education, systems and leadership and is a member of the ACP Research and Education committees.