PCC24: Cygnet Family Practice Urgent and After-Hours Service


The inaugural Primary Care Conference 2024, was hosted in May in Sandy Bay, Tasmania. This conference served as a platform for delegates to enhance their skills and contribute to the evolving landscape of primary care through valuable insights, thought-provoking presenters, and collaborative discussions.

Conference theme - Seamless synergy: Advancing paramedicine integration in healthcare. PCC24's theme emphasises the critical role of collaboration in transforming and advancing paramedicine. Positioned at the intersection of innovation, this conference encourages participants to explore the nuances of seamless teamwork, fostering an environment where integration within healthcare is paramount

Whether you're a Community Paramedic, Paramedic Practitioner, Extended Care Paramedic, or simply curious about expanding your knowledge in primary care, we strongly encourage watching all recordings from this conference.

Cygnet Family Practice Urgent and After-Hours Service

It's never been more difficult to same day appointments in general practice. In some areas in Tasmania, people are waiting 6 weeks to see a doctor. No everyone needs to see a doctor. Health care reform is needed with people seeing the right person for the right reason at the right time. The Cygnet Family Practice Innovative Nurse Practitioner and Community Paramedic model of care has been operational for the past 12 months. The service has seen over 1400 people with a variety of minor illnesses and injuries. 99% of the time, their needs have been met with the skills, knowledge and education of this team. This session will share how this model works, show patient satisfaction feedback and how this model can be replicated in other rural areas nationwide.

Biography: Kerrie Duggan

Kerrie has worked in general practice for the past 17 years and has been a nurse practitioner for the past thirteen. She has co-owned Cygnet Family Practice for the past 9 years. She holds post graduate certificates in intensive care, midwifery and general practice nursing. She has a Bachelor of Education Degree and is an authorised immuniser. She is passionate about people being able to access safe, quality and timely health care in their local community using interdisciplinary teams.

Biography: Ali Spicer Alison has over 24 years of clinical experience and is a dedicated and versatile Nurse Practitioner and Paramedic. Her background includes roles in Emergency, Quality and Safety, Aged Care, and Primary Care settings, where she has demonstrated expertise in clinical care, leadership, and project management. Active in professional advocacy including membership to the Tasmanian Health Senate, Alison strives to influence policy and legislation around inclusion of non medical models into future planning. Alison is committed to advancing healthcare practices and improving patient outcomes especially in regional and remote areas.

Conference MC: Adj Assoc. Professor Michelle Murphy, Advocacy & Government Relations Lead, Australasian College of Paramedicine and National Manager, Integrated Care Pathways, ForHealth

Presented by Ali Spicer and Kerrie Duggan



New Release
30 minutes
4th Jul 2024
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