Navigating Free Open Access Medical Education (FOAMed)


Free Open Access Medical Education (FOAMed) has so much to offer in terms of access, content, and modes of delivery – 24/7! For us in emergency medicine, having access to emerging content when it suits us provides an excellent opportunity to stay up to date with new advancements, professional development, and life-long learning.

Can you trust clinical information that is shared for free on social media? Anyone can just post something on X (Twitter), create a blog, or upload a YouTube video. This information is posted without being peer reviewed. How do you know which FOAMed sites to use?

Whether you are an avid FOAMed user, have never heard of FOAMed, or you are somewhere in between and very sceptical, this webinar with Judy Sheahan will equip you to safely navigate the FOAMed space, and use it to your advantage.

Presenter: Judy Sheahan

Presenter Biography: Judy Sheahan is a South African Emergency Care Practitioner (Intensive & Critical Care Paramedic) who has been teaching in Paramedicine for the last 10 years all over the world. She currently works at Edith Cowan University, teaching on the CCP master’s program.

Presented by Judy Sheahan



New Release
70 minutes
3rd Jul 2024
Member free
Non-member $29
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