ACPIC 23: The use of social media and online focus groups for contemporary research in Paramedicine


Australasian College of Paramedicine International Conference (ACPIC23)

ACPIC 2023 delivered a wide range of clinical and research sessions from experts and leaders in paramedicine. Hosted in Melbourne (September 2023) the program was designed to inspire, educate and broaden horizons.

Conference theme: Lead - Evolve - Impact

The use of social media and online focus groups for contemporary research in Paramedicine

This research aimed to examine the use of social media platforms for recruitment and online asynchronous focus groups for data collection. 3 social medial platforms were employed and one professional body was asked to disseminate the research advertisement. The online focus group was facilitated through ‘Zoom meet & Chat’. Social media proved to be highly successful in rapidly recruiting paramedics from across the world, and is recommended for future participant recruitment. Asynchronous focus groups need to have further consideration for their application to research.

Biography: Alannah Morrison

Alannah is an experienced paramedic and educator working both within jurisdictional ambulance services and the higher education sector and has a passion for developing future generations of paramedics. Approaching the final stages of her PhD investigating how paramedics navigate conveyance decisions, Alannah looks forward to continuing researching professionalism within paramedicine and supporting HDR students with their research post-doc.

Moderator: Matt Cook, ACPIC23 Organising Committee Member, Paramedic & Registered Nurse

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Presented by Alannah Morrison



15 minutes
19th Dec 2023
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