ACPIC23: “Don’t talk to me about [service], they’re killing their patients”: The role of Clinical Guidelines


Australasian College of Paramedicine International Conference (ACPIC23)

ACPIC 2023 delivered a wide range of clinical and research sessions from experts and leaders in paramedicine. Hosted in Melbourne (September 2023) the program was designed to inspire, educate and broaden horizons.

Conference theme: Lead - Evolve - Impact

“Don’t talk to me about [service], they’re killing their patients”: The role of Clinical Guidelines

The limit of IN Fentanyl is 200 mcg in one service; 400 in another. Half our ICPs RSI/DSI; the rest don’t. Opioids are indicated during labour in 4 states; contraindicated in another 4. Clinical guidelines - directly or indirectly - determined the medical treatment 4.5 million people received last year. How are there so many differences? What is the right treatment? And why does a $5 billion industry disagree so much on fundamental medical treatment?

Biography: Matt Wilkinson-Stokes

Matt is a practicing emergency paramedic and medical researcher. He is currently a Westpac Scholar and inaugural University of Melbourne MDHS PhD Award recipient, and his undergraduate thesis won a University Medal and Best Presentation at two international medical conferences. As well as working clinically, he also tutors Indigenous undergraduates. He lives on the Sunshine Coast with his partner and their beautiful golden retriever puppy (called Waffles).

Moderator: Ross Salathiel, MICA Paramedic & Director, Regional and Clinical Operations – Gippsland, Ambulance Victoria

Presented by Matt Wilkinson-Stokes



34 minutes
20th Dec 2023
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