The Debrief - EP22: Gender affirmation in healthcare: improving the care of marginalised patient populations

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About this episode:
In this episode of The Debrief we have Tara McAndrew interviewing  Aidan Baron. Aidan is an advocate and has a passion for improving the care of marginalised patient populations, making it the topic of discussion for this episode.

About Aidan Baron
Aidan is a paramedic researcher, educator, and now junior doctor working in Sydney.

He has a passion for the place where science meets ethics and is a strong advocate for improving the care of marginalised patient populations.

After completing his paramedic studies at UTAS in Sydney, he pursued an Honours research year examining ultrasound-guided IVs by paramedics followed by a post-grad in emergency medicine ultrasound and a year as a visiting researcher in London.

Aidan sits on the editorial board of the Journal of Paramedic Practice and is the recipient of the Philips Young Clinical Pioneer Scholarship and the 2022 Central Queensland University Alumnus of the Year for his services to paramedicine and emergency medicine internationally. He has published on the care of LGBTQIA+ patients in the EMJ and regularly reviews for resuscitation, emergency medicine, and pre-hospital care journals. 

About Tara McAndrew (guest host):
Tara has worked as a paramedic for 24 years in NSW. She has worked at Campsie and Marrickville and at Rockdale after her ICP training for many years. She moved into academia and is currently as a Lecturer in the School of Paramedicine at the University of Tasmania's Sydney Campus. She has developed a keen research interest, with her first project inspiring today's conversation on what new graduates find supportive in their first year of practice. Tara has a keen interest in the mental health of both paramedics and caring for people in the community and has a YouTube channel called 'Spotlight on Paramedicine'.

About Jonas Ogonowski (College host):
Jonas is the Learning and Development Officer for the Australasian College of Paramedicine.

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Podcast Information

46 minutes
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