The Debrief - EP21: Supporting new graduates - Jane Kenny

About the podcast

About this series:
The Debrief is excited to introduce our guest-host, Tara McAndrew to help us shine a spotlight on an essential topic that lies at the heart of our profession: the significance of preceptorship and support for new graduates. As paramedics, we understand that the transition from classroom learning to real-life emergency response can be a daunting journey. 

That's why Tara – an experienced paramedic with knowledge and research in this area - will be sitting down each episode for a conversation with paramedics to hear about their experience and learnings. You will hear about a mature age career change, cultural aspects of preceptorship and graduate support, and what it is like moving to and working in the UK, among others.

Whether you're a seasoned paramedic looking to enhance your preceptor skills or a fresh graduate about to embark on this life-saving journey, this series is sure to offer valuable perspectives and tips for a successful, fulfilling career.

About this episode:
In this episode of The Debrief exploring preceptorship and the experiences and support of new graduates, we have Tara McAndrew interviewing  Jane Kenny about her career transition into paramedicine.

About Jane Kenny
Jane Kenny is Sydney born and raised. With a diverse career including following ski seasons around the world as a Ski Race Coach, Working at ELLE Magazine and management of a leading model agency. She has spent the last 20 years in health care spanning across public, private, and not-for-profit, encompassing operational and project management, business development, and operational/clinical redesign.

Prior to studying Paramedicine, Jane was on a superspeed treadmill of juggling kids, a separation, an Executive Directorship of a hospital, Chair of Committee and Board & Committee Member across multiple industries and services. After six years June still wasn’t feeling satisfied at the end of her days & realised it was time to re-evaluate. Jane is currently an On-Road Paramedic with NSW Ambulance for 2 years now. 

About Tara McAndrew (guest host):
Tara has worked as a paramedic for 24 years in NSW. She has worked at Campsie and Marrickville and worked at Rockdale after doing her ICP training for many years. She moved into academia, currently as a Lecturer in the School of Paramedicine at University of Tasmania's Sydney Campus. She has developed a keen research interest, with her first project inspiring today's conversation on what new graduates find supportive in their first year of practice. Tara has a keen interest in mental health of both paramedics and caring for people in the community and has a YouTube channel called 'Spotlight on Paramedicine'.

About Jonas Ogonowski (College host):
Jonas is the Learning and Development Officer for the Australasian College of Paramedicine. 

Podcast Information

38 minutes
Total Plays

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