Student Talk - EP3: Top 5 new years resolutions for 2021

About the podcast

Host: Sherlyn Hii
Guest: Tammie Bullard | To view guest bio CLICK HERE.

About this episode:
It’s 2021! While much of the drama born in 2020 remains in situ, we nonetheless look optimistically to the year ahead. We chat with Tammie Bullard about how to make lemonade out of lemons in 2021. Here are 5 new year’s resolutions to help you find personal fulfilment, growth and success in your studies.

Tammie Bullard is a registered paramedic, clinical educator and author of The Good, The Bad and The Ugly Paramedic book series. She has over a decade of field experience and holds a Master of Paramedical Science (Critical Care) from Edith Cowan University. More recently, Tammie has dedicated her practice to nurturing the next generation of paramedics through encouraging proactive conversations, habits and attitudes. She is a prolific writer and has spoken internationally on the unique challenges of the emergency prehospital environment.

Podcast Information

27 minutes
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