Student Talk – EP9: UK Student Insights

About the podcast

Hosts: Jonathon Massey and Nick O'Neill
Guest: Rhys Sycamore

About this episode:
Jonathon and Nick chat to UK Paramedic student Rhys Sycamore about the fear of failure as an undergraduate, the importance of having a good mentor throughout your studies/career and some similarities/differences between studying in the UK and Australia. Rhys also talks about his role as the South West Representative for the Student Paramedic Council and what this involves.

About Rhys:
Rhys is a final year paramedic student, currently studying at Plymouth University in the United Kingdom. Rhys was elected the South West Representative for the Student Paramedic Council, a position he has held for the past 12 months. As an undergraduate, Rhys has published articles in the Journal of Paramedic Practice and the British Journal of Nursing, where he has discussed important issues relating to students from disadvantaged backgrounds, the exacerbation of inequality during the COVID-19 pandemic, and the rise of international volunteer tourism.

About Jonathon: 
Jonathon is a 2nd year Paramedic student at Edith Cowan University. Coming from a mixed background in retail, hospitality, and customer service, he found a passion in remote and rural emergency medicine when he signed on to volunteer with SJA WA in 2018. It ignited a love of caring for and helping people in need. While he works on the ACP podcast, he hopes to bring you stories of paramedics and their challenges, building towards overcoming those challenges we face as a collective profession, and understanding how to cope and deal when something doesn’t go well.  

About Nick: 
Nick is a 3rd year Paramedic student at Charles Sturt University. He has a background in the Finance industry of over 10 years and finally decided to make the jump into a more fulfilling career. As a mature aged, distance student with a background that isn’t health-related, Nick hopes to share some of his experiences from a less-common entry path to Paramedicine and looks forward to bringing you some discussions with a wide range of health professionals to delve into their specialties and knowledge.  

Podcast Information

35 minutes
Total Plays

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