The Debrief - EP11: Continuing Professional Development (CPD)

About the podcast

Host: Kirsty Mann
Guests: Lisa Hobbs and Kate Worthington 

About this episode:
In this episode, Kirsty talks to Lisa and Kate about Continuing Professional Development (CPD) and the requirements for registered paramedics in Aotearoa New Zealand to maintain their annual practicing certificate.  

We learn from Australian paramedics' experience of registration and discuss how CPD differs from the traditional model of continuing clinical education. Kate and Lisa share advice on developing a personalised CPD programme, guidance on choosing meaningful CPD activities, and tips on developing reflective practice to get the most out of any learning opportunities.

The College has recently created two short videos to explain paramedic CPD requirements. One video breaks down the requirements in New Zealand, and the other Australia. If you need help understanding your CPD requirements, take a look at the appropriate video, and, as always, reach out to the College if you have any questions.

About Lisa:
Lisa Hobbs is a registered paramedic and lecturer in Paramedicine at the University of Southern Queensland. From 2000-2018, Lisa has worked in various roles within the Queensland Ambulance Service, including advanced care paramedic, officer in charge, emergency medical dispatcher and senior clinical educator. In 2014, she began teaching undergraduate paramedic students at university, before moving full-time into the tertiary sector. She has extensive experience as unit coordinator and course examiner of paramedic clinical and placement subjects at several Australian universities. Her research interests include paramedic education, paramedic continuing professional development, paramedic mental health, paramedic resilience, building employability in undergraduate paramedic students, building resilience in undergraduate paramedic students and disaster management. Lisa’s qualifications include Bachelor of Science (Psychology), Diploma Paramedical Science (Ambulance), Graduate Certificate Clinical Education, Graduate Diploma Health Management/Disaster Management, Master of Philosophy (Paramedicine), MACP, MANZMH and FHEA.   

About Kate:
Kate is currently the Executive Director of Healthcare Services for Wellington Free Ambulance. Her portfolio includes heading up the emergency ambulance operations and the clinical education department. Kate began her career as an Intensive Care Paramedic. Kate has a varied range of interests in the field of prehospital medicine and has a passion for how research can inform innovation in paramedicine.

About Kirsty:
Kirsty is a registered paramedic with over 15 years of experience in a variety of roles within Aotearoa New Zealand's ambulance sector. In her role with the Australasian College of Paramedicine, Kirsty is committed to supporting paramedics' access to quality CPD that improves patients' experience and outcomes, and that meets the educational needs of paramedics to maintain professional registration. 

Podcast Information

31 minutes
Total Plays

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