The Debrief - EP10: Te Tiriti O Waitangi

About the podcast

Host: Kirsty Mann
Guests: George Clicquot and Belinda Westenra

About this episode: 

In this podcast, Kirsty has a korero (conversation) with George Clicquot and Belinda Westenra where they discuss Te Tiriti O Waitangi and the misunderstandings.  

George and Belinda talk about the legal implications of Te Tiriti and dispel myths about the ‘3Ps’, introducing us to the more advanced set of principles that have been implemented by Kaunihera Manapou Paramedic Council. They discuss how to start learning about Te Tiriti o Waitangi and tikanga, using Te Reo Māori, and why it’s OK to try even if you get it wrong! They also share why Te Tiriti is so important to us as paramedics in 2021 and how we can be good allies to our Māori colleagues as we work to increase the diversity of our workforce.

You will hear them use the following kupu Māori (words) during their conversation.

View some helpful resources here.

About George:

A descendant of Ngāti Ruahikihiki of Ngāi Tahu, a registered Paramedic working in Prehospital Medicine in Aotearoa for the past 14 years. Currently a Territory Manager with St John Ambulance, George has previously worked as a Degree Lecturer at Whitireia in the Paramedicine Degree program specialising in Paramedic Practice in Aotearoa. 

About Belinda  (she/her/ia) - Registered Paramedic, BSc, MProfPrac (Ed):

Belinda is a paramedic programme coordinator and lecturer in the School of Health and Social Services at Whitireia New Zealand. Her teaching philosophy is ako, a te reo Māori word which means learning and teaching together. She teaches te Tiriti o Waitangi, structured clinical approach, communication skills, cultural humility, gender diversity and LGBTIA+ inclusive practice. Her research interests include increasing the diversity of the paramedic profession, antiracism in health, cultural safety, and interprofessional education.

About Kirsty:

Kirsty is a registered paramedic with over 15 years of experience in a variety of roles within Aotearoa New Zealand's ambulance sector. In her role with the Australasian College of Paramedicine, Kirsty is committed to supporting paramedics' access to quality CPD that meets their educational needs to maintain registration and advocating for the paramedic profession within New Zealand's wider health sector. 

Podcast Information

38 minutes
Total Plays

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