ROAR21 - Panel Discussion -  Developing roles of paramedics in Australia and New Zealand; How do we best incorporate non-traditional paramedic roles into health care delivery?

About the podcast

Rural Outback and Remote Paramedic Conference (ROAR) 2021

The Rural Outback and Remote Paramedic Conference is designed specifically for paramedics and allied health professionals working in rural, outback and remote locations.

Panel Discussion -  Developing roles of paramedics in Australia and New Zealand; How do we best incorporate non-traditional paramedic roles into health care delivery? 

Facilitator: Alecka Miles, Course Coordinator, Graduate Diploma / Graduate Certificate Extended Care Paramedicine & Masters Paramedic Practitioner, School of Medical and Health Science, Edith Cowan University 

Panel Members:  

Dave Anderson, Extended Care Paramedic, St John, Post Graduate Lecturer, Paramedicine - Auckland University of Technology  

Amy McCaffrey, Paramedic, Northern Territory 

David McLeod, Executive Manager - Primary Health & Community 

Podcast Information

62 minutes
Total Plays

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