Feb, 2021
Perceptions and attitudes of paramedics about older people’s self-determination with reduced decision-making capacity This study i...
Feb, 2021
The Development and Testing of Australian Prehospital Care Quality Indicators Paramedics and directors/managers/supervisors in amb...
Feb, 2021
This survey seeks to understand the current levels of awareness and most pressing challenges facing professionals in supporting ch...
Feb, 2021
Who? We’re hoping to recruit approximately 20 Australian paramedics currently practicing with any government ambulance service or...
Nov, 2020
PROJECT TITLE: Using Immersive Virtual Reality (IVR) Communities of Practice (CoP) to support undergraduate student paramedics dur...
Oct, 2020
ACPIC20, held on 21-23 October, saw a fascinating array of student and research posters and presentations. The research presentati...
Oct, 2020
What are the current mental health priorities for Australian and New Zealand paramedics and paramedic students? ACP Mental Health...
Oct, 2020
To better understand the mental health and stress impacts of COVID-19 on frontline staff, the Australasian College of Paramedicine...
Oct, 2020
INVITATION Investigating the impact of volunteering on the development of resilience in student paramedics Are you a student param...
Oct, 2020
Investigating the Paramedic Mindset: Adaptive and Dysfunctional Emotional Detachment in Australasian Paramedics This project is be...