Latest ACP news


Sep, 2022

Notice of Annual General Meeting 2022

Notice is hereby given that the Annual General Meeting of the Members of the Australasian College of Paramedicine Limited will be...


Sep, 2022

Paramedicine Workforce Research partner announced

The College is pleased to announce that a consortium of academics and universities led by Dr Liz Thyer from Western Sydney Univer...


Sep, 2022

Official launch of Paramedicine, the College’s international peer-reviewed journal

Manuscript submissions are now open for the Australasian College of Paramedicine’s new international peer-reviewed journal Parame...


Sep, 2022

Women’s Health Week puts physical and mental health in the spotlight

This week marks the 10th anniversary of Women’s Health Week, and in recognition of the financial, physical and mental difficultie...


Sep, 2022

Paramedics have a vital role to play in the planned expansion of urgent care services in NSW and VIC

The College welcomes the New South Wales and Victorian governments’ joint announcement this week to establish a further 50 urgent...


Aug, 2022

College EOI: 'Paramedicine' Associate Editor

Paramedicine, the international peer-reviewed journal of the Australasian College of Paramedicine, is seeking expressions of inter...


Aug, 2022

ACP International Conference: Keynote speakers announced

The College is pleased to announce that Adjunct A/Prof John Adie The Australian Convenor RNZCUC, Adjunct A/Prof Alan Eade Chief Pa...


Aug, 2022

Catch up with all the news in our winter edition of Response magazine

In the winter edition of Response, we’re continuing to expand our magazine content, providing members with College information, f...


Jul, 2022

Applications for College Fellowship are now open for members

Fellowship with the College is member recognition level above that of Member and is an acknowledgement of the significant contribu...


Jul, 2022

Call for abstracts - ACP International Conference 22

The Call for Abstracts for Australasian College of Paramedicine International Conference 2022 (ACPIC 2022) has been extended to Mo...