Optimal cord clamping


The timing of umbilical cord clamping has changed throughout the course of history. Some older textbooks and guidelines imply that early (immediate) cord clamping is an inevitable and normal part of the third stage of labour, and it is still commonly practised across the world. Yet, current research shows that early cord clamping can be detrimental to the newborn, leading to an increased risk of anaemia, and in the premature infant, a significantly increased risk of morbidity and mortality.

By the end of this short module, you should be able to:

  • Define optimal cord clamping and early cord clamping
  • Explain the physiology of placental transfusion during and immediately after birth
  • Summarise the benefits of optimal cord clamping in the term neonate
  • Summarise the significant benefits of optimal cord clamping in the premature neonate
  • Explain the rationale behind attempting neonatal resuscitation with the umbilical cord intact
  • Implement optimal cord clamping in practice.

This module is available to both members and non-members.

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15 minutes
3rd Nov 2022
Member free
Non-member free
