End of Life Law for Clinicians (ELLC)


šŸ†•[Sep 2024] Updated to include new law and enhanced interactivity

End of Life Law for Clinicians (ELLC) is a free online training program for paramedics and other health professionals (and health professional students) about Australian law on end of life decision-making. Knowing end of life law can help you manage legal issues in practice, and deliver optimal end of life, palliative and aged care. ELLC is funded by the Australian Government Department of Health.

ELLC comprises 13 free online training modules, totalling 11 hours. Modules include:

  • Allied health professionals and the role of law in end of life care
  • Capacity and consent to medical treatment
  • Withholding and withdrawing life-sustaining medical treatment
  • Advance Care Planning and Advance Care Directives
  • Substitute decision-making for medical treatment
  • Legal protection for providing pain and symptom relief
  • Children and end of life decision-making
  • Futile or non-beneficial treatment
  • Urgent treatment for adults
  • Managing conflict
  • Voluntary assisted dying
  • Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander Peoples and end of life law
  • Inclusive end of life decision-making with people from diverse populations.

Download the complete curriculum (PDF)

Find out from ELLCā€™s 10,000th registrant how the modules can support your clinical practice (PDF)

Please note: This course is offered by an external provider. After you enrol, please click the start button to be redirected to the provider's website. You will then need to create an account on the provider's website to access the course.


660 minutes
30th Sep 2024
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