Women's experience of paramedic care during unplanned out-of-hospital birth


Presented by Belinda Flanagan Paramedics assess, treat and transport labouring women yet very little is known about the frequency, outcome or circumstances surrounding these cases at a national level, or the experience of mothers who birth their babies whilst being supported by paramedics. Internationally, the healthcare literature describes predisposing factors, clinical risk and maternal and neonatal clinical outcome of unplanned out-of-hospital birth. However, there remains little high quality published evidence to validate the quality of care provided by paramedics, and which describes the views of women with recent experience of birth in paramedic care.


Belinda Flanagan has been involved in various areas of health since 1990 and over this period has gained the following multiple qualifications including her Bachelor’s degree in Nursing, Master of Midwifery, Associate Diploma Health Science (Ambulance Officer) and Graduate Certificate in Professional Learning. Belinda has been an Advanced Care Paramedic with both the NSW and Qld Ambulance Service, a Registered Nurse/Midwife with NSW and Qld Health and is now a Lecturer in Paramedic Science and Nursing/Midwifery at the University of the Sunshine Coast.



40 minutes
25th Aug 2017
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